Wednesday, December 19, 2012

K of C #1155 joins the B.I.A. for 2013 and beyond!

We welcome the Knights of Columbus #1155 of Manchester into our group of fraternal organizations for 2013!  Last year the K of C #1155 helped the day of the event.  This year they are taking the plunge into the planning and executing aspects of the B.I.A. Annual Community Breakfast.  Thank you #1155 for your commitment.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2011 Check Presentation to the Irish/Quinn and Houlroyd Families

I finally found 2011's check presentation pictures! Pictured with the BIA planning committee and special guests are the Irish/Quinn and the Houlroyd families.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 Brotherhood In Action Community Breakfast Benefit

Announcing the Manchester

Brotherhood In Action

2012 Community Breakfast

to Benefit Natalie Cosman!

The deserving recipient of our charitable event is a

7 year old young girl diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

9AM to 12PM

at the Masonic Temple

25 East Center Street, Manchester, CT

Donation of $5 for adults and $3 for children

Tickets can be bought prior to the event through

any Brotherhood In Action member organization

or at the door the day of the event. Contact B.I.A.

at 860-643-9716 or

There will be no Storm Date this year.

Brotherhood In Action is a Manchester group

of fraternal organizations of different ethnic

and religious backgrounds who work together

to help our community while fostering

friendship and mutual understanding.